The epic, online convention for fun, faith, fandoms, & fiction
October, Friday 18 to Sunday 20, 2024 – Ticket sales now closed
Questions? Contact us asap!
Epic fun
Show up early. Stay late. Explore the hangouts. Make friends! Chat all day!
Epic faith
We’re mostly Catholic and Orthodox, and we welcome all!
Epic fandoms
Calling readers, writers, gamers, RPG players, creators, & makers!
Weekend Events

Gaming to Save the World
Panel with Bobby Angel, Sean Beeson, Tony Manfredonia, & Theresa Ambat

Echoes of Faith in Secular Storytelling
Panel with SQPN Team

Epic Faith & Stories
Panel with Gary Gasse, Peter Atkinson & Callie Sioux

The Art of Dragon Slaying
Meetup with Sir Rolland Paterlot

Inside a Writer's Head
Comedy Standup with Karina Fabian

Star Wars & Science Fiction
Meetup with Eric Clayton

No Tame Lions
Panel with Karina Fabian, Rebecca Martin, Karen Ullo, & S.R. Crickard

Fiction & Messages for Modern Readers
Panel with Allison Ramirez, Zephyr Thomas, Gabriella Batel, & Christina Weigand
Legend Haven
Calling readers, writers, gamers, & creators
Books. Pop culture. Movies. Series. Gaming. We’ve got it all! Suit up in cosplay and dive into special events, exclusive previews, and themed discussions.
Explore our exhibit realms to meet your favorite authors, discover epic gear, and make friends in every fandom.
LegendHaven connects you with pop culture creators who honor the power of fiction in art, faith, and culture.
See the events and the lineup, and why we’re different!
Lead events, host a booth, share your work!
Bring your skills and help build this con.
Brought to you by:

The official magazine for LegendHaven- fast, fun, faith-inspired stuff

The epic writing community for faith-inspired fiction authors to write more and share progress.

Convos, courses, and community for Catholics to live a smarter faith for a smarter life.
Speakers & Event Hosts

Dominic de Souza

Eric Clayton

Antony Kolenc

Zephyr Thomas

Dcn. Nicholas Kotar
Author, Teacher

Mary Rose Kreger

Allison Ramirez

Gabriella Batel

Peter Atkinson
Merry Beggars

Anjanette Bar
Literary Agent

Mary Jessica Woods

Gary Gasse
Coronation Media

Callie Sioux
Author, Producer

Karen Ullo
Author, Editor

Karina Fabian
Author, Comedienne

Amelia Leedom

Rebecca Martin

Sir Rolland Paterlot
Author, Retreat host

Thomas Salerno
Author, Retreat

S.R. Crickard
Our friends & legends
Thanks to our friends, LegendHaven can bring together authors, gamers, readers, and creators from all over. Their support enable us to host epic journeys, interactive workshops, and thrilling quests.
news & updates
Stay Connected
Catch our news and updates on social and join our mailing list as LegendHaven 2024 makes landfall! Join us on HaloZest, the official blog of LegendHaven. Use our hashtag #legendhaven on socials to stay connected to all things LegendHaven.
Legend Awards
Discover indie authors, build a list of must-reads, and vote on your favorites in real time!

LegendForge Coffee
Delicious, hand-roasted coffee by Catholic business, for legendary creators and epic fans.

Shop the Merch
Browse our LegendHaven store, look epic, and support the con!

Take a Look Back
LegendHaven 2023
Thank you to everyone who helped make LegendHaven 2023 a success! We are stoked by all the attendees, exhibitors, panelists, volunteers, and legends.

I loved everything!
It was so much fun to come and hang out with fellow Catholic writers.
– Caroline K
I love feeling that I’m not alone as a Catholic writer in a very secular world!
– Eileen W
So impressed with the ease of use!
Loved the discussion of mature content! And the fun of speed networking.
– Megan E
Honestly all of it was fantastic
and you guys had a lot of really excellent speakers!! I even won a book π
– Jessica
Make it a two day event!
There were things I was interested in attending and couldn’t because things were happening simultaneously. It seems like there is enough content that it could be spread out over two days.
– Sr. Allison G
I loved all the expo booths and things that you could do.
Plus just watching with my camera off. That was very handy for me.
– Corrine O
I loved how easy it was
to just jump in, be inspired, chat, feel part of the community, and the option to not be on camera if we didn’t want to be. Everyone was very kind and speakers mature in their faith; all inspiring stuff.
– Mel
It’s an utter lie…
I have been tamping down my enjoyment of fiction writing for 15-ish years…. always felt like there was something “more important” I should be doing. This community is quickly showing me that is an utter lie.
– Melissa K
Legend Fiction has certainly brought back the joy and fun of writing for me!
– Mary Rose K
I love getting to connect with likeminded writers from around the world.
I lost my love of writing during college, but got it back when I just started writing for fun with no worries about anything else.
– Amelia Leedom
I made some good friends and conversations!
– Convention Attendee
I love the supportive, encouraging, and creative community fostered by Legend Haven.
– Mary
What is LegendHaven?
The epic, online convention for fun, faith, and fiction – mostly for Catholic and Orthodox readers, writers, and all pop culture nerds.
What kind of person is this for?
Catholica and Orthodox Christians. Our attendees are passionate about their faith and about accompanying other people. Or they are Catholic-curious, or Orthodox-curious. We welcome anyone who has a great attitude, loves fiction, and wants to nerd out with friends.
Is LegendHaven free?
Not this year. Our first two years, LegendHaven was free. In 2024, we’re building it bigger and better, and that means more costs. So we’re making the entrance fee ludicrously low so everyone can get in.
Who manages LegendHaven?
LegendHaven is produced by Dominic de Souza, a cradle-Catholic who’s first love is writing fantasy novels, playing games, and doing creative things with friends.
LegendHaven is a collaborative project, brought to you by three online communities:
- LegendFiction: The epic writing community for faith-inspired fiction authors
- HaloZest: The magazine for fast, fun, faith-inspired stuff by Catholic nerds
- SmartCatholics: Courses and community for Catholics to learn faithfully, and get smarter.
Does LegendHaven work on my device?
The convention will only work on your desktop browser. Functionality is limited on your smartphone – unless you toggle the ‘desktop mode’.
Besides, when you enter a new world, use the biggest screen you have!
Does LegendHaven have safety features?
Yes, we all work to take care of each other. We have a carefully crafted code of conduct (3 rules!). High-school students under 18 must provide a guardian’s email for contact reasons.
See our privacy terms and conditions.