About LegendHaven
Let’s evangelize through imagination… and fun!
You know the stories you heard about Jedi, wizards, halfbloods, hobbits, superheroes, demigods, dragonborn… Well, welcome to LegendHaven. If you ever feel like you don’t fit, like you hunger for more magic and meaning amid all the muggles, then you might be a part of our world.
Your love and hunger for reading (and writing) may be more important than you know! Don’t give up. We might need you.
LegendHaven is not a faith-based culture-war con, filled with circled wagons and more sermons. Nor yet a dry, dull, conference with nothing interesting for nerds to hear or do. This is LegendHaven, and that means… fun.
The data from the Daily Prophet is in.
People are exhausted by a soulless world where everyone is just a pawn in a game of power. We crave an enchanted world filled with angels and dragons and magic and meaning.
Let’s make fiction fun again!
Being moral doesn’t mean being moralizing. We’ve had enough of preachy Christian fiction.
We need to take back fandoms for the fans, nerddom for the nerds, and faith-inspired fiction for the legends.
The world is in constant chaos, like white water rapids. As Christians, it gets exhausting. But retreat isn’t an option. Our mission is to master the rapids. Sometimes we regroup, make new allies, and then plunge back in.
LegendHaven is tearing down the walls. Fandoms are the ultimate way to connect with friends. We need a revival in fiction and nerd culture – one that’s fearless and full of the things we love. Our faith isn’t a straightjacket; it’s a lifeline that lets us explore without getting lost.
Welcome to LegendHaven.
- We’re on a quest to build the most epic, fun-filled convention in the world – and we’re already winning.
- We’re assembling the largest haven of Catholic & Orthodox Christians who love fun, faith, and fiction together.
- We need people of intelligence for this sort of mission… quest… thing.
Now, where are my dragons??
LegendHaven is brought to you by:

The epic writing community for faith-inspired fiction authors
The magazine for fast, fun, faith-inspired stuff by Catholic nerds
Courses and community for Catholics to learn faithfully, and get smarter.
LegendHaven is offered to Christ, Lord of Lore and Legend.
A: May the lore be with you.
R: This is the way.